Below is a list of any recalls that we are currently aware of.
If you have a question about these during normal business hours (Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM EST), call our office at 855-583-6844.
Type of Recall | Information | Contact |
Schneider (Square D) Load Center | In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Schneider Electric, is recalling certain QO Plug-On Neutral Load Centers that were manufactured from February 2020 through January 2022. The recall is due to a risk that the wire binding screw within the lug body could potentially not be torqued properly to the Plug-On Neutral bar. Over time, this unsecured electrical joint could result in losing the neutral connection and potentially lead to overheating at the load. Customers who continue to use the load centers while awaiting the free repair should have working smoke alarms in their homes. | SE Recall Line 1-888-778-2733 options 2,1,4 or Product Safety Alert: QO™ Plug-on-Neutral Load Centers |
GE Range Anti-Tip | In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), GE Appliances, a Haier company, is voluntarily recalling certain free-standing and slide-in gas and electric ranges that were sold between May and July 2021. The recall is due to a risk that ranges with an improperly installed anti-tip bracket could tip over if a heavy weight is placed on an open oven door. | GEA Recall Line 1-877-247-9770 or GE Range December 2021 Recall |
GE Refrigerator Handle | In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), GE Appliances, a Haier company, is voluntarily recalling certain freestanding bottom freezer refrigerators with fingerprint resistant stainless-steel coating that were sold between February 2020 and July 2021. The recall is due to a risk that the freezer handle can detach when a consumer tries to open the freezer drawer. | GEA Recall Line 1-888-345-4671 or GE Safety Recall |
Goodman Evaporator Coil Drain Pan Safety Recall | In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Goodman Manufacturing Company is voluntarily recalling certain molded plastic evaporator coil drain pans that were sold from approximately January 2019 through November 2021. Under abnormal conditions, the drain pans may overheat, deform and melt, posing a fire hazard. Goodman has assured NVR that customers may continue to operate their systems until the repairs are completed. | Goodman Manufacturing Recall Line 1-888-520-0579 or |
GE Harmony Clothes Washer Recall | GE has announced a voluntary recall on select GE Harmony Clothes Washers produced from 2003-2011. Please contact GE directly to detirmine if your unit is effected. |
GE Recall Hotline: 877-830-9732.
Monday-Friday 8 AM - 5 PM ET |
If you're having trouble locating the information you want - or have questions that require further answers - We're happy to help. Look through the pages linked below, or just give us a call at 855-583-6844 during normal business hours (Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM EST).